Thursday, December 2, 2010

She's been busy...

Last week was so busy! Scarlett spent the week playing with a cousin. She took her camera with her everywhere we went but she was too busy to remember to take pictures. We only have a few to share with you this time.

By the way... It took me three days to finally get this posted. For some reason these pictures didn't want to upload!

That's my mom. We were riding in the car.

That's my picture with Sis. Baker. They were at church.

Here's Bro. Baker. He has a motorcycle. Every time
he comes he always asks me if I want to ride it.

This is our friend. He goes to Sunday School.
Last week we took him to McDonalds.

I took this picture of me. I can't believe I can take
such good pictures of myself!

Here's Riley in his kennel. He likes going into
his kennel to rest.

I hope you come back next time!


1 comment:

  1. I told Molly and Ginger that they made it on your blog! I think they were very excited ; )

    Love you and keep up the great picture taking!

    Uncle Nicki
